Medical circuit board classification revealed! You must know this knowledge!

Medical circuit boards play an important role in the modern medical field. Understanding the classification of medical circuit boards helps us better understand their applications and development.

1. Sensor circuit board
One type of circuit board widely used in the medical field is sensor circuit board. These circuit boards are mainly used to collect patients’ physiological data, such as heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, etc. The sensor circuit board uses various sensors and signal processing circuits to accurately sense the patient’s physiological state and transmit the data to the monitoring circuit board for analysis.

2. Monitoring circuit board
Monitoring circuit boards are mainly used to monitor changes in patients’ conditions, including electrocardiogram, respiratory monitoring, blood oxygen saturation, etc. This type of circuit board usually integrates multiple sensors and data processing modules to comprehensively monitor and record the patient’s physical condition. The main function of the monitoring circuit board is to provide real-time condition data to help medical staff judge the patient’s health status in a timely manner.

3. Therapeutic circuit boards
Therapeutic circuit boards are mainly used to provide medical treatments, such as pacemakers, defibrillators, etc. This type of circuit board usually includes a control part and an output part. The control part is used to perform corresponding control according to the patient’s condition, and the output part is used to output treatment signals or current. The application of therapeutic circuit boards can effectively help patients restore health or improve their quality of life.

4. Auxiliary circuit boards
Auxiliary circuit boards provide support for medical equipment, including power supply management circuit boards, communication control circuit boards, etc. These circuit boards do not come into direct contact with the patient and are primarily used to provide power management and data transmission functions. The reliability and stability of auxiliary circuit boards are crucial to the normal operation of medical equipment and the accurate transmission of information.

Different types of circuit boards play an important role in medical equipment and are of great significance to improving medical standards and improving patients’ quality of life. Having a certain understanding of the classification and application of these circuit boards will help us better understand the development and application prospects of medical circuit boards. It is believed that with the continuous advancement of technology, medical circuit boards will play a more important and extensive role in the medical industry.