Understand the main functions of printed circuit boards: choose the right one for your project!

In today’s technological wave, the importance of printed circuit boards (PCBs) as an indispensable component in electronic devices is self-evident. Whether it is smartphones, computers, medical devices, automotive electronics, or even aerospace equipment, printed circuit boards are indispensable. So, what is the role of printed circuit boards? How can we choose the right circuit board according to project requirements?

The main function of printed circuit boards

Connection function
One of the core functions of printed circuit boards is connection. It can connect different electronic components through wires to form a complete circuit system. Through printed circuit boards, these components can work according to predetermined logic and sequence to achieve various complex functions.

Support function
In addition to the connection function, printed circuit boards can also provide stable support for electronic components. Electronic components are fixed on printed circuit boards to form a compact and stable overall structure. This structure can not only protect electronic components from interference and damage from the external environment, but also improve the stability and reliability of the entire circuit system.

Heat dissipation
In electronic equipment, as electronic components work, a lot of heat will be generated. If this heat cannot be dissipated in time, the performance of electronic components will be degraded or even damaged. The metal conductors and copper foil layers on the printed circuit board can effectively conduct heat to the surface of the circuit board, and then dissipate the heat into the air through devices such as radiators, thereby ensuring the normal operation of electronic components.

How to choose a suitable circuit board
Determine the type of circuit board according to project requirements
Before choosing a circuit board, you must first clarify the specific needs of the project. For example, the scale, complexity, and working environment of the project will affect the choice of circuit boards. For example, for projects that need to withstand harsh environments such as high temperature and high humidity, it is necessary to choose circuit boards with good heat and humidity resistance; for projects that need to achieve high-frequency transmission, it is necessary to choose circuit boards with lower impedance and higher bandwidth.

Consider the performance parameters of the circuit board
When choosing a circuit board, you also need to consider the performance parameters of the circuit board. For example, the number of layers, wire width, wire spacing, copper foil thickness, etc. of the circuit board will affect the performance of the circuit board. Generally speaking, the more layers, the wider the wire width, the smaller the wire spacing, and the thicker the copper foil, the better the performance of the circuit board. However, these parameters will also affect the cost and difficulty of making the circuit board. Therefore, when choosing a circuit board, you need to weigh it according to the actual needs of the project.

Choose reliable suppliers and manufacturers
When choosing a circuit board, you also need to choose reliable suppliers and manufacturers. A good supplier and manufacturer can provide high-quality circuit board products and can provide perfect after-sales service and technical support. Therefore, when choosing a circuit board, it is necessary to conduct in-depth investigation and understanding of the supplier and manufacturer to ensure that they have sufficient strength and credibility.

As an indispensable component in electronic equipment, the importance of printed circuit boards is self-evident. When choosing a circuit board, it is necessary to make comprehensive considerations based on the specific needs of the project, select the appropriate circuit board type and performance parameters, and select reliable suppliers and manufacturers. Only in this way can the smooth progress of the project and the high-performance operation of electronic equipment be guaranteed.

What are the types of high-frequency PCB material?

With the continuous advancement of science and technology, high-frequency circuit boards (PCBs) are increasingly used in modern electronic fields, especially in wireless communications, radar systems, satellite navigation and other fields. The core of a high-frequency circuit board lies in the selection of its board materials. Suitable board materials can significantly improve the performance of the circuit board. So, what are the types of high-frequency PCB boards? This article will give you an in-depth understanding and help you make accurate selection.

Types of pcb high frequency boards
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) sheet

PTFE sheet is one of the most commonly used sheets in high-frequency circuit boards. Its notable feature is its extremely low dielectric constant and loss tangent. This means that the signal loss during transmission is extremely low, ensuring signal stability and transmission quality. In addition, PTFE sheets also have good thermal stability and chemical corrosion resistance, and are suitable for various harsh environments.

Polyimide (PI) sheet
PI sheets also have excellent electrical properties and thermal stability, making them a good choice for high-frequency circuits. Its low dielectric constant and loss tangent help reduce energy loss during signal transmission. At the same time, PI sheets also have excellent mechanical properties and weather resistance, and can cope with various complex application scenarios.
ceramic plate

Ceramic sheets perform well in high-frequency and high-power circuits due to their high thermal conductivity and high temperature resistance. Although it is more expensive and difficult to process, the excellent properties of ceramic sheets make them ideal for specific applications. For example, in high-temperature, high-power radar systems, ceramic plates can ensure the stable operation of circuit boards.

How to accurately select
Application scenarios
Different application scenarios have different performance requirements for high-frequency boards. For example, wireless communication systems pay more attention to signal transmission quality and stability, while radar systems have higher requirements for the thermal stability and high temperature resistance of plates.

Electrical properties
Electrical performance parameters such as dielectric constant and loss tangent are key factors affecting the performance of high-frequency circuit boards. We need to choose the appropriate board material according to specific needs to ensure fast signal transmission and low loss.
Thermal stability and chemical resistance
For circuit boards that need to work in high temperatures or harsh environments for a long time, we need to choose boards with good thermal stability and chemical resistance.

Cost and processing difficulty
When selecting plates, we also need to consider cost and processing difficulty. Although some high-performance boards have superior performance, they are more costly or difficult to process and may not be suitable for all application scenarios.

There are many types of PCB high-frequency boards, and each board has its own unique performance and applicable scenarios. By having an in-depth understanding of the characteristics and performance parameters of various boards, we can select the appropriate board according to specific needs to ensure the performance and stability of the circuit board.

What is a communication PCB? How does it affect the quality of our daily communications?

In this era of information explosion, communication technology has long penetrated into every aspect of our lives. However, do you know that behind every smooth video call and every instant message, there is an unsung hero – communication PCB (printed circuit board)? Today, let us unveil its mystery and explore how it affects the quality of our daily communications.

PCB, or printed circuit board, is a basic component used to connect electronic components in electronic devices. And communication PCB, specifically refers to those circuit boards used in communication equipment, which carry core functions such as signal transmission and data processing, and are the “nerve center” for the normal operation of communication equipment.

So, how does communication PCB affect the quality of our daily communications?
In terms of signal transmission, the design of communication PCB plays a vital role in the integrity and accuracy of the signal. A high-quality PCB design can ensure that the loss of the signal during transmission is minimized, thereby ensuring the clarity and reliability of communication. On the contrary, an unreasonable PCB design may cause signal attenuation, distortion, and even communication interruption.

Stability is another key indicator of communication equipment. The material, process and design of communication PCB directly affect the stability of the equipment. High-quality PCBs can resist interference from the external environment and reduce equipment failures, thereby ensuring the continuity and stability of communication.

Compatibility is also an issue we have to consider. With the continuous advancement of communication technology, new communication standards and interfaces are emerging in an endless stream. A good communication PCB should have a good forward-looking design, be able to adapt to future technology upgrades and changes, and ensure that users do not need to replace the entire communication system when replacing equipment or upgrading services.

In order to understand the importance of communication PCBs more intuitively, we can look at the construction of 5G base stations. 5G base stations have extremely high performance requirements for PCBs, because 5G signals have fast transmission speeds and large data processing volumes, which puts higher requirements on the signal transmission capacity and stability of PCBs. Only high-quality communication PCBs can ensure the stable transmission of 5G signals and provide users with a smoother communication experience.

Faced with such an important communication PCB, how should we improve its performance and user experience?
Choosing high-quality PCB materials and advanced manufacturing processes is the key. The design of PCBs also needs to keep pace with the times and constantly introduce new design concepts and technologies to adapt to the rapid development of communication technology. A strict quality control system is also essential to ensure that each communication PCB meets the expected performance standards.

As the core component of communication equipment, the performance of communication PCB is directly related to the quality of our daily communication. Understanding and valuing the role of communication PCB and choosing high-quality PCB products and services will be the key to improving the quality of our communication.

In-depth analysis: What are rigid-flex boards and their application scenarios!

With the rapid development of modern electronic technology, hard-flex boards, as a special electronic material, have gradually become an indispensable part of electronic equipment manufacturing.

1. What is a hard-flex board
As the name implies, a hard-flex board combines a flexible circuit board (FPC) and a rigid circuit board (PCB) through a specific process to form a circuit board that combines the softness and bendability of FPC with the firmness and stability of PCB. The hard-flex board not only retains the flexibility and bendability of FPC, but also has the high reliability, high stability and strong electrical performance of PCB.

2. Characteristics of hard-flex boards
Soft and bendable: Due to the use of FPC materials, the hard-flex board can be bent freely within a certain range to adapt to electronic devices of various complex shapes and structures. This makes the hard-flex board have unique advantages in the fields of wearable devices, flexible displays, etc.
High reliability: The hard-flex board combines the firmness and stability of PCB and has high reliability and stability. It can work normally in various harsh environments and meet various special application requirements.

Excellent electrical performance: The hard-flex board adopts advanced electrical design technology and has excellent electrical performance. It can meet the needs of various complex circuits and provide stable and reliable electrical connections for electronic devices.

3. Application scenarios of rigid-flex boards
Wearable devices: With the popularity of wearable devices, the requirements for the softness and bendability of electronic materials are getting higher and higher. Rigid-flex boards are ideal for wearable devices because of their soft and bendable characteristics. They can make the device light, comfortable and have a good user experience.

Flexible display screens: As an emerging display technology, flexible displays have extremely high requirements for materials. Rigid-flex boards are one of the key materials for flexible displays because of their softness and impact resistance. They can achieve morphological changes such as bending and folding of display screens, bringing users a new visual experience.
Aerospace: In the aerospace field, electronic equipment needs to withstand extreme environmental conditions, such as high radiation and high pressure. Rigid-flex boards can meet these special needs with their high temperature resistance and high reliability. They can provide stable and reliable electrical connections for aerospace electronic equipment to ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

With the continuous advancement of electronic technology and the continuous expansion of the market, the application fields of rigid-flex boards will be more extensive. In the future, rigid-flex boards will play a more important role in wearable devices, flexible displays, aerospace and other fields. At the same time, with the continuous improvement and optimization of manufacturing processes, the performance of rigid-flex boards will be further enhanced, providing more solid support for the development of electronic equipment.

How does the rigid-flex PCB market contribute to the development of the new energy vehicle industry?

With the global attention to environmental protection and sustainable development, the new energy vehicle industry is ushering in a golden period of vigorous development. Against this background, the rigid-flex board market, with its unique advantages, is becoming an indispensable part of the new energy vehicle industry.

1. Application of rigid-flex boards in new energy vehicles
Battery management system: The battery management system is the “heart” of new energy vehicles, responsible for monitoring battery status, managing battery charging and discharging processes, etc. With its excellent electrical performance and reliability, the rigid-flex board ensures the efficient operation of the battery management system, thereby ensuring the endurance and safety of new energy vehicles.
Motor control system: The motor control system is the power source of new energy vehicles, and has extremely high requirements for circuit connection and signal transmission. The high-frequency signal transmission capability and excellent mechanical properties of the rigid-flex board provide a stable operating environment for the motor control system, ensuring the power performance and driving experience of new energy vehicles.
On-board electronic system: With the development of intelligent and networked new energy vehicles, on-board electronic systems are becoming more and more complex. With its thin and foldable characteristics, the rigid-flex board realizes the high integration and miniaturization of on-board electronic systems, meeting the requirements of new energy vehicles for space utilization and portability.

II. The driving role of the soft-hard board market in the new energy vehicle industry
Improve the performance of new energy vehicles: The high performance of the soft-hard board provides a stable operating environment for the key components of new energy vehicles, thereby improving the performance of new energy vehicles. Whether it is the cruising range, power performance or driving experience, the soft-hard board plays an important role.
Promote technological innovation of new energy vehicles: With the continuous advancement of soft-hard board technology, the technological innovation of new energy vehicles has also been accelerated. For example, the application of soft-hard boards has promoted the integration and intelligence of vehicle electronic systems, bringing more possibilities for new energy vehicles.

Reducing the cost of new energy vehicles: The thin and foldable characteristics of the soft-hard board have achieved high integration and miniaturization of new energy vehicle equipment, reducing the consumption of materials and energy. At the same time, with the improvement of production technology and the increase in the degree of automation, the cost of the soft-hard board is also gradually decreasing, providing greater cost advantages for the new energy vehicle industry.
III. Challenges and opportunities faced by the soft-hard board market

Although the soft-hard board market plays an important role in the new energy vehicle industry, it also faces some challenges. For example, technical difficulty and cost issues are still the main factors restricting the development of the soft-hard board market. However, with the rapid development of the new energy vehicle industry and the continuous growth of market demand, the rigid-flex board market has also ushered in huge opportunities.

In order to seize opportunities and meet challenges, the rigid-flex board market needs to increase R&D investment and promote technological innovation and industrial upgrading. At the same time, strengthen cooperation and exchanges with the new energy vehicle industry, deeply understand market demand and technological trends, and provide the new energy vehicle industry with better quality and more efficient products and services.

The rigid-flex board market is becoming an indispensable part of the new energy vehicle industry with its unique advantages. Through technological innovation and industrial upgrading, the rigid-flex board market will inject more power into the development of the new energy vehicle industry and promote the new energy vehicle industry towards a better future.

The industry that uses HDI circuit boards the most reveals: Why can’t the communications industry do without it?

With the rapid development of science and technology, circuit board technology is also constantly improving. Among them, HDI circuit boards stand out in many industries with their high-density interconnection characteristics, especially in the application of the communications industry. So why does the communications industry rely so much on HDI circuit boards?

1. HDI circuit boards: a powerful assistant in the communications industry
HDI circuit boards are high-density interconnected circuit boards using micro-blind buried hole technology. Its appearance has greatly met the communication industry’s demand for high-density and high-frequency signal transmission. In the manufacture of communication equipment, HDI circuit boards can achieve a more compact design, making the equipment smaller and more powerful. At the same time, HDI circuit boards also have strong signal processing capabilities, which can meet multiple functions such as high-frequency communication, data transmission, and image processing, providing a strong guarantee for the stable operation of communication equipment.

2. Why the communications industry cannot do without HDI circuit boards
High-density interconnection: The high-density interconnection characteristics of HDI circuit boards make the circuit board design of communication equipment more compact, reducing the size and weight of the equipment. This is especially important for portable communication devices such as smartphones, routers, and switches, because they need to reduce the size and weight as much as possible while ensuring performance to meet user needs.

High-frequency signal transmission: The communication industry has extremely high requirements for signal transmission speed, and HDI circuit boards just meet this demand. The high-density interconnection technology it adopts makes the signal transmission speed faster and more stable, thereby ensuring the communication quality and stability of communication equipment.
Powerful signal processing capabilities: HDI circuit boards have powerful signal processing capabilities and can meet the various functional requirements of communication equipment. Whether it is high-speed data transmission, image processing or audio transmission, HDI circuit boards can easily cope with it, providing strong support for the diversified functions of communication equipment.

High reliability: HDI circuit boards use advanced manufacturing technologies to ensure the quality and reliability of circuit boards. These technologies include fine control of line width and interlayer distance, as well as strict monitoring of materials and production processes. These high-standard manufacturing processes ensure that communication equipment can operate stably in various environments, whether in hot deserts or cold Arctic.

3. The future of the communication industry and HDI circuit boards
With the continuous development of new-generation communication technologies such as 5G, the communication industry has higher and higher requirements for circuit board technology. As a high-density interconnection circuit board, HDI circuit boards have a very broad application prospect. In the future, with the continuous advancement of communication technology and the continuous upgrading of communication equipment, the application of hdi circuit boards in the communication industry will be more extensive, providing strong support for the sustainable development of the communication industry.

HDI circuit boards play a vital role in the communication industry with their high-density interconnection, high-frequency signal transmission, powerful signal processing capabilities and high reliability. With the continuous development of communication technology, the application prospects of hdi circuit boards will be broader, injecting new vitality into the sustainable development of the communication industry.

Optimize PCB production line control specifications to reduce production costs and risks!

In today’s rapidly developing electronic manufacturing industry, printed circuit boards (PCBs) are an indispensable core component of electronic products, and their production efficiency and cost control directly determine the market competitiveness of enterprises. With the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous changes in the market, optimizing the control specifications of PCB production lines and reducing production costs and risks have become urgent issues for enterprises to solve.

First of all, we need to clarify the importance of PCB production line control specifications. PCB production line control specifications are key factors to ensure the smooth progress of the production process, stable product quality, and controllable costs. A reasonable control specification can not only improve production efficiency and reduce resource waste, but also reduce potential risks in the production process and ensure the sustainable development of the enterprise.

However, in the actual production process, PCB production lines often face many challenges. Such as complex process flow, a wide variety of equipment, and uneven operating levels of personnel, all of which bring great difficulties to production line control. Therefore, it is imperative to optimize the control specifications of PCB production lines.

To optimize the control specifications of PCB production lines, it is first necessary to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the existing production lines. By in-depth understanding of the process flow, equipment conditions, staffing, and other aspects of the production line, find out the existing problems and bottlenecks. At the same time, combined with market demand and technological development trends, formulate practical optimization plans.

In the optimization process, we can start from the following aspects:
Introduce advanced production management system. By introducing advanced production management system, we can realize real-time monitoring and data analysis of the production process, improve production efficiency and product quality. At the same time, the system can also provide early warning and prediction functions to help enterprises discover and solve potential problems in advance.

Optimize process flow. Sort out and optimize each link of PCB production to reduce unnecessary processes and waste. By introducing automated equipment, improve the automation level of the production line and reduce the impact of human factors on production. At the same time, strengthen the monitoring and adjustment of process parameters to ensure the consistency and stability of product quality.

Strengthen equipment management and maintenance. Regularly inspect and maintain production equipment to ensure the normal operation of equipment. At the same time, introduce equipment preventive maintenance strategies to reduce equipment failure rate and improve the stability and reliability of the production line.

Through the implementation of the above measures, we can effectively optimize the control specifications of PCB production lines and reduce production costs and risks. This will not only help enhance the market competitiveness of enterprises, but also bring greater economic and social benefits to enterprises.

How to effectively deal with common quality problems of HDI circuit boards?

In the rapidly developing field of electronic manufacturing, high-density interconnect (HDI) circuit boards have become the core components of many electronic products due to their excellent performance and wide application. However, HDI circuit boards often encounter some quality problems during the manufacturing process. How to effectively deal with these problems is the key to improving product quality and ensuring market competitiveness.
Common quality problems and causes
Circuit breakage and short circuit: Due to the high integration and precision design of HDI boards, the circuit spacing is small, and the slightest carelessness during processing may cause circuit breakage or short circuit.
Poor welding: Problems such as loose welding points, cold welding, etc. will seriously affect the electrical performance and reliability of HDI boards.
Material problems: The quality of materials such as substrate materials, copper foil, and solder mask ink is unstable, which will lead to the overall performance of HDI boards.
Improper process control: Improper control of key processes such as etching, drilling, and electroplating will also lead to quality problems.

Effective response strategies
Optimize design and process

Reasonable design: Fully consider the characteristics of HDI boards in the design stage, reasonably layout the circuits, and avoid overly compact designs.

Process optimization: According to the characteristics of HDI boards, optimize key processes such as etching, drilling, and electroplating to ensure processing accuracy and stability.
Strict material screening and control
Supplier selection: Select suppliers with credibility and quality assurance to ensure the quality of raw materials.

Material testing: Strictly test the raw materials entering the factory to ensure compliance with standards.
Strengthen process control and quality testing

Process monitoring: Establish a complete process control system to monitor and record key processes in real time.

Quality testing: Introduce advanced testing equipment to conduct comprehensive and detailed quality testing of hdi boards.
Improve employee skills and awareness

Skill training: Strengthen employee skills training to improve employees’ understanding and response capabilities to hdi board quality issues.

Quality awareness: Improve employees’ quality awareness so that every employee understands the importance of quality.
Establish a quality management system

System establishment: Establish a complete quality management system, from design, raw materials, production to testing, each link has clear standards and processes.

Continuous improvement: Through regular quality reviews and internal audits, problems are discovered and continuously improved.
The response to hdi circuit board quality issues requires us to start from multiple aspects, including optimizing design and process, strict material screening and control, strengthening process control and quality testing, improving employee skills and awareness, and establishing a quality management system. Only in this way can we ensure that the quality of hdi circuit boards is stable and reliable and meet market demand.

What are the PCB board materials?

Introduction to PCB circuit board materials:

The classification from bottom to top is as follows:


The details are as follows:

94HB: Ordinary cardboard, not fireproof (the lowest grade material, die-punched, cannot be used as a power board)

94V0: Flame retardant cardboard (die punching)

22F: Single-sided semi-fiberglass board (die punching)

CEM-1: Single-sided fiberglass board (must be computer drilled, not punched)

CEM-3: Double-sided semi-glass fiber board (except for double-sided cardboard, it is the lowest-end material for double-sided panels. Simple double-sided panels can use this material, which is 5~10 yuan/square meter cheaper than FR-4)

FR-4: Double-sided fiberglass board

Best answer

1.c The classification of flame retardant properties can be divided into four types: 94V-0/V-1/V-2 and 94-HB

2. Pre-cured sheet: 1080=0.0712mm, 2116=0.1143mm, 7628=0.1778mm

3. FR4 CEM-3 both represent boards, fr4 is fiberglass board, and cem3 is composite substrate

4. Halogen-free refers to substrates that do not contain halogens (fluorine, bromine, iodine and other elements), because bromine will produce toxic gases when burned, which is environmentally friendly.

6. Tg is the glass transition temperature, that is, the melting point.

Circuit boards must be flame-resistant and cannot burn at a certain temperature, only softening. The temperature point at this time is called the glass transition temperature (Tg point). This value is related to the dimensional stability of the PCB board.

What is a high Tg PCB circuit board and the advantages of using high Tg PCB

When the temperature of a high-Tg printed board rises to a certain area, the substrate will change from “glass state” to “rubber state”. The temperature at this time is called the glass transition temperature (Tg) of the board. In other words, Tg is the maximum temperature (°C) at which the substrate remains rigid. That is to say, ordinary PCB substrate materials not only soften, deform, melt, etc. under high temperatures, but also show a sharp decline in mechanical and electrical properties (I think you don’t want to see this happen to your products).

Generally, the Tg of the plate is above 130 degrees, the high Tg is generally above 170 degrees, and the medium Tg is about above 150 degrees.

Usually PCB printed boards with Tg≥170℃ are called high Tg printed boards.

As the Tg of the substrate increases, the heat resistance, moisture resistance, chemical resistance, stability resistance and other characteristics of the printed board will be increased and improved. The higher the TG value, the better the temperature resistance of the plate. Especially in the lead-free process, there are many high Tg applications.

High Tg refers to high heat resistance. With the rapid development of the electronics industry, especially electronic products represented by computers, which are developing towards high functionality and high multi-layering, higher heat resistance of PCB substrate materials is required as an important guarantee. The emergence and development of high-density mounting technologies represented by SMT and CMT have made PCBs increasingly inseparable from the support of high heat resistance of the substrate in terms of small apertures, fine wiring, and thinness.

Therefore, the difference between general FR-4 and high Tg FR-4 is: in the hot state, especially when heated after absorbing moisture, the material’s mechanical strength, dimensional stability, adhesion, water absorption, and thermal decomposition properties There are differences in various conditions such as thermal expansion and thermal expansion. High Tg products are obviously better than ordinary PCB substrate materials.

In recent years, the number of customers requesting the production of high-Tg printed boards has increased year by year.

PCB board knowledge and standards (2007/05/06 17:15)

At present, the following types of copper-clad laminates are widely used in our country. Their characteristics are shown in the table below: Types of copper-clad laminates, knowledge of copper-clad laminates

There are many ways to classify copper clad laminates. Generally, according to the different reinforcing materials of the board, it can be divided into: paper base, glass fiber cloth base,

There are five categories: composite base (CEM series), laminated multi-layer board base and special material base (ceramic, metal core base, etc.). If the panel is used

The resin adhesives are classified differently, the common paper-based CCI. There are: phenolic resin (XPc, XxxPC, FR-1, FR

-2 etc.), epoxy resin (FE-3), polyester resin and other types. Common fiberglass cloth-based CCLs include epoxy resin (FR-4, FR-5), which is currently the most widely used fiberglass cloth-based type. There are also other special resins (using glass fiber cloth, polyamide fiber, non-woven fabric, etc. as additional materials): bismaleimide-modified triazine resin (BT), polyimide resin (PI) , diphenylene ether resin (PPO), maleic anhydride imine-styrene resin (MS), polycyanate resin, polyolefin resin, etc. According to the flame retardant performance of CCL, it can be divided into two types of boards: flame retardant type (UL94-VO, UL94-V1 level) and non-flame retardant type (UL94-HB level). In the past year or two, as more attention has been paid to environmental protection issues, a new type of CCL that does not contain bromine has been divided into flame-retardant CCL, which can be called “green flame-retardant CCL”. With the rapid development of electronic product technology, there are higher performance requirements for cCL. Therefore, from the performance classification of CCL, it is divided into general performance CCL, low dielectric constant CCL, high heat resistance CCL (generally the L of the board is above 150°C), and low thermal expansion coefficient CCL (generally used on packaging substrates). ) and other types. With the development and continuous progress of electronic technology, new requirements are constantly put forward for printed board substrate materials, thus promoting the continuous development of copper-clad laminate standards. Currently, the main standards for substrate materials are as follows.

①National standards At present, my country’s national standards for substrate materials include GB/T4721-47221992 and GB4723-4725-1992. The copper-clad laminate standard in Taiwan is the CNS standard, which was formulated based on the Japanese JIs standard in 1983. Released in year.

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②The main standards of other national standards include: Japan’s JIS standard, American ASTM, NEMA, MIL, IPC, ANSI, UL standards, British Bs standard, German DIN and VDE standards, French NFC and UTE standards, and Canadian CSA Standards, Australian AS standards, former Soviet Union FOCT standards, international IEC standards, etc.

Suppliers of original PCB design materials, some of which are commonly seen by everyone, include: Shengyi\Jiantao\International, etc.

● Accepted files: protel autocad powerpcb orcad gerber or real board copying, etc.

●Plate type: CEM-1, CEM-3 FR4, high TG material;

● Maximum board size: 600mm*700mm (24000mil*27500mil)

● Processing board thickness: 0.4mm-4.0mm (15.75mil-157.5mil)

●Maximum number of processing layers: 16Layers

●Copper foil layer thickness: 0.5-4.0(oz)

● Finished plate thickness tolerance: +/-0.1mm (4mil)

● Molding dimensional tolerance: Computer milling: 0.15mm (6mil) Mold punching: 0.10mm (4mil)

● Minimum line width/space: 0.1mm (4mil) Line width control capability: <+-20% ● Minimum drilling hole diameter of finished product: 0.25mm (10mil) Minimum punching hole diameter of finished product: 0.9mm (35mil) Finished product aperture tolerance: PTH: +-0.075mm (3mil) NPTH: +-0.05mm(2mil) ● Finished hole wall copper thickness: 18-25um (0.71-0.99mil) ● Minimum SMT patch spacing: 0.15mm (6mil) ●Surface coating: chemical immersion gold, spray tin, whole plate nickel gold plating (water/soft gold), screen printing blue glue, etc. ● Solder mask thickness on the board: 10-30μm (0.4-1.2mil) ● Peel strength: 1.5N/mm (59N/mil) ● Solder mask hardness: >5H

● Solder mask hole capability: 0.3-0.8mm (12mil-30mil)

● Dielectric constant: ε= 2.1-10.0

● Insulation resistance: 10KΩ-20MΩ

●Characteristic impedance: 60 ohm±10%

● Thermal shock: 288℃, 10 sec

● Warpage of finished board: <0.7%

● Product applications: communication equipment, automotive electronics, instrumentation, global positioning systems, computers, MP4, power supplies, home appliances, etc.

The role of using three proof paint in PCBA processing.

As one of the key links in the electronic product manufacturing industry, PCBA processing has an importance that cannot be ignored in the modern industrial field. In the PCBA processing process, the use of conformal anti-paint with its unique characteristics can not only effectively protect the circuit board from damage caused by water immersion, pollution and other factors, but also improve the reliability and stability of electronic products. . Next, we will delve into the role of conformal paint in PCBA processing and introduce in detail its importance in protecting circuit boards from water, dust and corrosion.

1. Protect the circuit board from water

Water resistance is a crucial consideration in the manufacturing process of electronic products. Since the circuit board contains many precision electronic components, the penetration of moisture will cause short circuits, insulation failure and other problems on the circuit board, which will seriously affect the normal operation of the product. The conformal anti-paint used in PCBA processing was introduced to solve this problem. The conformal anti-paint has good waterproof performance and can effectively isolate the erosion of external moisture and protect the circuit board from the threat of moisture.

2. Protect circuit boards from dust

In addition to waterproofing, dustproofing is also an important aspect to consider during PCBA processing. The tiny size and high sensitivity of electronic components make them extremely susceptible to contamination by dust and impurities. These contaminants can affect the normal operation of the circuit board and even cause circuit short circuits. Therefore, the use of conformal paint during PCBA processing can effectively isolate the circuit board from dust and protect the normal operation of electronic components.

3. Protect circuit boards from corrosion

In addition to being waterproof and dustproof, the conformal paint used in PCBA processing also has anti-corrosion functions. During the manufacturing and use of electronic products, circuit boards are easily susceptible to corrosion and failure due to the presence of oxygen, moisture, chemicals and other factors. The use of conformal paint can provide a protective film for circuit boards, effectively isolate external corrosion factors and extend the service life of electronic products.

In summary, the use of conformal paint in PCBA processing plays an irreplaceable and important role in protecting circuit boards from water, dust and corrosion. By using conformal coating, it can not only enhance the water, dust and corrosion resistance of electronic products and extend their service life, but also improve the reliability and stability of the product. Therefore, in the PCBA processing process, the rational use of conformal paint is a necessary means to ensure the quality and performance of electronic products.